Tips for Writing Effective Emails and consequently improve your time management!
Start with an appropriate GREETING
Some people go directly to the text of an e-mail without even a "hello". And 'good manners add a greeting, just as you would a formal letter. It 'should always remember that those who read our mail is another person and always want to be treated with due respect, you should also remember that email as a mode of communication is always very fast asynchronous: the recipient of your communication will read the contents at a time different from that in which you are writing. The email is not a conversation, a communication and therefore we must remember that the person that law must be re-introduced the topic of conversation mail.
Go Straight to the point
Your partner does not want to wade chatter: so go straight to the point. It is also environmentally aware and needs, in terms of "time management", your partner, not just yours. Premises and avoid long explanations and personal judgments (except as required) go straight to the point and tells the FACTS. If you write to someone out of the blue, do not tell the story of your life before making a request. You may need to include the details, but if you speak at once of the most important issue is most likely that your mail receive a timely response. If you make your request too late in the text of the email, the recipient may not even realize that you need an answer. Always remember that reading on screen is not a pleasant thing in the long run tired eyes and people do not usually have time to waste to read your communications.
Make it SHORT
Try to keep your e-mail as soon as possible. Write short paragraphs: paragraphs are too long can be difficult to read and understand. Get spuno by Americans, anchefacilitati use of a synthetic language like English, formulate sentences short and direct.
Make sure you provide enough information to your correspondent that he might be able to make a decision, if necessary. Generally it is better to enter the details as an attachment: so you'll have greater flexibility over the formatting and your partner can easily print the attachment. Even learning to be concise optimizing time management!
Use Numbered Lists
If you have several questions to ask, or many statements to be submitted to the attention of your partner, and optimize your time management (to whom you read) numbering them. Bulleted lists help a lot of text readability. This practice makes it easy for the other person to respond to each of them, especially ones which require only a yes / no for an answer or response of a single word. For example:
"Could you let me know:
1. How much would it cost to design a web site
2. How much graphics and a tri-fold brochure before
3. If you can complete everything by the end of April "
Reread your email before sending it and use spell check
A typo or spelling can make a word a completely different one. If you are using the e-mail in a professional, this error could be embarrassing or even offensive. You could threaten to alter the entire meaning of your message: the lack of a "no", for example, can cause potentially serious problems.
Do not just use the spell checker's email program. The spell checker should help you avoid stupid mistakes, but also use your eyes and your brain. There are a lot of words that can not be corrected by the spell-checking software. If you are sending e-mail from a device with predictive text input and an automatic correction function, be sure to always read what you typed.
Make good your SIGNATURE
You have a signature for your e-mail? If you do not know what I'm talking about, the signature is the text that automatically appears at the bottom of your e-mail. Some people just do not use it, others use a funny quote or favorite saying. Whether you write e-mail for personal or professional reasons, make sure that your signature is useful for both you and the recipient.