Here are some tips to have more time for yourself
1. Take note of how you spend your time during a typical day
Try to observe how you spend your time, usually during a full day. From the time you wake until you go to bed, monitors your time. Whenever, during the day, you throw a new initiative or activity, make a note.
At the end of each day, try to verify where you'd end up your time. If your behavior is similar to that of most people, you'll discover that most of your time was not used to doing things you really interested.
The simple fact that I have known and measured the use of your time will help you acquire greater awareness and to identify room for improvement you have available. You'll discover that you can easily eliminate negative habits, and therefore can gain more time for your interests.
2. Locate "moments useful"
Do you really want to learn Spanish but you just can not find the time?
Take advantage of those moments in time during the day where mentally or physically you are engaged in a very limited and you can dedicate yourself to what really interests you.
Vai to work by subway or bus? Upload your Spanish lessons on your iPod and listen while you roam the office.
Can not read the book that you like so much? Take it with you, you can read while you wait your turn to the doctor or six in a row to post.
If you really want to do something that interests you, the time you can find it much easier than you think. It's enough to want it.
3. What time do you stand?
Many of us are sleeping much more than necessary.
The morning is the most productive phase of the day at all, which combine energy and atmfosfera necessary to perform most of the activities that normally during the day we would be able to complete only with difficulty because of weariness or constant distractions.
Then try to take advantage of the morning to do what you like and why you never find time.
Getting up before you can really add more time to your day.
4. What time do you go to sleep?
You just can not get up early in the morning? Then try to optimize your evenings.
Instead of lounging in front of the TV or Playstation, why not use this time to do what you really like, what you can enjoy breathtaking and make you feel alive?
"But TV relaxes me!" Many people say. Yeah, maybe. But would it not be infinitely more satisfying and relaxing to know that you're utilzzando your time to chase your dreams and live your passions?
Do not you ever go to bed happy and satisfied when you've spent the evening doing something rewarding than to see the last episode of X-Factor?
5. Identify what you can completely eliminate from your life
Take out the bad habits. You do not need, do not need it, do not enriched in any way.
And you are wasting time that could instead be used otherwise.
Smokes 10 cigarettes a day, each time taking you a break of 5-6 minutes? At the very least you end up losing at least an hour every day that you could use a different, perhaps to meditate, to take a walk, to write that book you've always dreamed of.
This is not to be manically productive. This is to give space to our priorities, our innermost desires, eliminating the need to scroll through the life before us and never able to jump over it.