Tips for Effective Time Management

Some students always think that there is never enough time in the day to get everything done. They feel like they are always running late. These students try to keep themselves sane when they are overloaded with courses, research, teaching, and a life.

A great solution for this problem is by the use of time management techniques to get organized. Time management simply involves considering your obligations and making choices about how to use your time. Scheduling and managing time wisely are important for a student.

If you miss important appointments and deadline it will likely cause further complication to both your academic and social life

This causes anxiety, frustration, guilt, and other nasty feelings.
This is not going to tell you to study more and socialize less, although in some cases you might want to think about it.

Instead, it will suggest how to make the most of your time and personalize it to fit your tastes and activities.

Review you notes everyday. You will reinforce what you have learned, so you need less time to study. You will also be ready if your teacher calls on you or gives a pop quiz.

Use a school planner or calendar with plenty of space to record assignments, lists, and appointments. Put things that are most important at the top and do them first.

If it is easier, use a planner to track all of your tasks. Do not forget to reward yourself for your accomplishments.

It is ok to say “No.” For example, an acquaintance of yours would like you to see a movie with him tonight. You made social plans for tomorrow with your friends and tonight you were going to study and do laundry. You really are not interested.

You want to say no, but you hate turning people down. Politely saying no should become a habit. Saying no frees up time for the things that are most important.

If your boss asks you to work on a Thursday night and you have to take final examinations the next morning, make sure to say a polite refusal. Keep your short- and long-term priorities in mind.

Get a good rest. Running on empty makes the day seems longer and your tasks seem more difficult. Sleeping right will make you healthy and will help you to be energized for the day.

Communicate your schedules to others. If phone calls are proving to be a distraction, tell your friends that you take social calls from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. It may sound silly, but it helps.

Do not waste time agonizing. Have you ever wasted an entire evening by worrying about something that you are supposed to be doing? Was it worth it? Instead of agonizing and procrastinating, just do it.

You do not have to be a perfectionist. Trying to be a perfect person sets you up for defeat. Nobody can be perfect. Difficult tasks usually result in avoidance and procrastination.

You need to set achievable goals, but they should also be challenging. There will always be people both weaker and stronger than you will.

Learn to prioritize. Prioritizing your responsibilities and engagements is very important. Some people do not know how to prioritize and become procrastinators. A "to do list" places items in order of importance. One method is the ABC list.

This list is divided into three sections - a, b, or c. The items placed in the A section are those needed to be done that day. The items placed in the B section need completion within the week. The C-section items are those things that need to be done within the month.

As the B, C items become more pertinent they are bumped up to the A or B list. Try it or come up with your own method, but do it. Take the "big-picture" approach.

Look over all that you need to complete and decide what is most important. Which assignment is due first? Which is the most difficult?

Combine several activities. Another suggestion is to combine several activities into one time spot. While commuting to school, listen to taped notes.

This allows up to an hour or two a day of good study review. Make a mental list of the things that need to be done. When you watch a sit-com, laugh as you pay your bills.

These are just suggestions of what you can do to combine your time, but there are many others, above all be creative, and let it work for you.

Break large assignments and tasks into their component parts. For example, break a term paper into many smaller and more manageable tasks such as finding a topic, conducting literature searches, gathering articles and books, reading and taking notes, writing an outline, writing the first draft, and revising.

Make a list of all tasks required to complete a major assignment. You will find that crossing items off the list is quite rewarding!

Go with your flow. In here, you should think about the biological peaks of yourself and your lows.

For example, think if you are a morning person or you are at your best at night. You should plan the day accordingly. It is better to save the difficult tasks for the times when you are at your best.

Make use of wasted time. Have you ever noticed how much time you spend commuting, standing in lines, and waiting (for doctors, advisors, etc.)? Carry pocket work to make use of that time that would otherwise be wasted.

Carry a short reading assignment or flash cards for studying. Alternatively, use the time to write in your planner and organize yourself. Ten minutes here, fifteen minutes later, it all adds up and you will find that you can be more done.

After scheduling becomes a habit, then you can adjust it. It is better to be precise at first. Pull some strings and be strict with your time management.

It is easier to find something to do with extra time then to find extra time to do something. Most importantly, make it work for you. A time schedule that is not personalized and honest is not a time schedule at all.