Be all you can be, but it's not always that easy!
Limiting beliefs, negative self doubt, fear and worry all lay before us ready to block our path at every turn. I often see myself as somewhat contented with my life and the way things are but I always create something new and exciting to aim for.
One of the biggest challenges for people is that they really want to achieve something in life but are afraid of what will happen once they achieve it!
As an example, a coaching client of mine wanted to travel around the world but her fear was that if she did there would be nothing left to aim for. In this case wanting was more powerful than having! When the day came for her to return to the UK having visited all the countries she hoped for, what would be left to do? Nothing! Or so she thought.
Knowing what makes you “tick” and what excites you into action will support you in living a life that is full of fun, adventure and possibility. The thing to do is to always be creating, not at the expense of the goals you have, flitting from one to another without accomplishing any of them, but as a way to ensure you always have something to reach for as one goal is achieved.
Below are 7 questions you can ask yourself to discover what makes you "tick"
1. What do I really want and why do I REALLY want it?
There can be so many things you want to do with your life, some you are actually doing, but many more you are just talking about endlessly day after day. Sometimes they can be things that your partner, parents or family want you to do. Or perhaps you are doing it to prove something to other people, teach someone a lesson, or be right about something.
STOP! Write down not only what you want but why you want it, if you find it doesn’t excite you then throw it away, if you find you are actually doing it because someone else wants you to or because you are proving something, consider ditching it for something better. Really think about “What do I WANT” and then when you write the reason why you want it ensure it is because it will provide you with access to something that excites you.
2. Should I really change?
If history has taught us one thing, it's to cherish the life that we have gone through with all of its challenges and excitement. Maybe the question to really ask is “Am I ready to change?” and if not, why not? Are you holding yourself back for fear of the unknown? What will be the consequences of ending or starting something for those around me? These are questions you can consider, but be aware of using them as an excuse for not taking action!
3. What's the bright side in all of this?
With so much happening around us there seems to be no room for even considering that light at the end of the tunnel. We can still see “the light” as something positive without undergoing so much scrutiny. There is no need to fear the unknown or what is going to happen next. Instead if what is at the end of your personal tunnel is a train, rather than view it as something waiting to knock you over you could choose to take it for a ride!
4. Have I done enough for myself?
Have you, or is there something more you want to do? Discontentment in every aspect can be soul destroying so consider how much you do for yourself compared with other people. Do you give yourself enough time to relax and have fun? Include some of this in your goal towards your new exciting future. Once you discover whether you have done enough for yourself or whether there is more you can do, then you are at least on a path towards doing something about it.
5. Am I happy with where I am today?
It's an unfair question so let it be an answer! Appreciate and be grateful for the small things in life, can’t think of any? Well how about having the capability to read this article. If you are on line be grateful for your computer and the internet, if you have a printed copy be grateful to be able to read and see the words. Be grateful for the gloves that keep your hands warm and the music you love to listen/dance to. Be happy with where you are today, even if it is not where you want to be and then make the promise to take action towards where you want to be. Oh! And make sure you take action!!
6. Am I appealing to other people?
So maybe I don't have an answer to that, but that doesn't mean I can't try it, though. Whether you shape-up, change the way you wear your clothes or hair, or even your attitude towards people, you should always remember it will always be for your own benefit. You are doing this for you, NOT so that somebody else likes you or because “they” say it’s what you need to do. Making yourself appealing to other people may also be about changing your attitude. Are you usually bossy, intimidating or angry? These are qualities that won’t help you win friends and influence people! Neither will being a total yes person. Look at whether you appeal to others and how you can improve on your inner personal strength so that you appeal to all people in all situations whilst retaining your personal power.
7. What motivates and excites me?
What motivates you? It's an answer you have to find out for yourself. There are so many things that can make everyone happy, but to choose one of them may be the hardest part. Take time to recall a situation or event at which you were really motivated and/or excited, then think about a time when you weren’t that motivated. What was present in the motivated situation that wasn’t in the unmotivated one? When you discover that you have some tools to ensure that you remain motivated and excited AT ALL TIMES!
So what really makes you tick? You can be just about anything you always wanted to be, but if you approach what really makes you tick with the feeling that it’s not possible to attain you are already blocking your way and giving up before you even start that journey.
When you are feeling as if life is drifting away, or you are feeling a lack of direction then discovering what makes your tick, what motivates you to achieve and what you want for yourself and your life is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself.
On a course I attended they asked the question; “What’s your impossible promise?” think about that. What goal could you have that is SO HUGE it would not be achieved in your lifetime but would leave a legacy that others could continue?